PPS Injection Molding
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PPS injection molding is a powerful solution for manufacturing high-performance components that excel in demanding environments.

We specialize in PPS injection molding, offering precision-engineered solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of your projects.

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PPS Injection Molding

What is PPS Plastic?

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) is a high-performance thermoplastic known for its exceptional thermal stability, chemical resistance, and mechanical strength.

PPS injection molding is a specialized manufacturing process that leverages these properties to produce precision components for demanding industries such as automotive, electronics, aerospace, and industrial equipment. This page explores the benefits, applications, and key considerations of PPS injection molding.


Full Name

Polyphenylene Sulfide

Finishing options

Mold texturing,Pad printing,Laser engraving,Electroplating, Bead Blasting

Mold Part Max Part Size

300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm





Off-white or light beige color


thermal stability, chemical resistance, mechanical strength, electrical insulation

Minimum Wall Thickness


Elongation at Break

1% to 3%


1.35 g/㎤

Advantages of PPS Injection Molding

PPS is a standout material for injection molding due to its unique properties:

Durability icon
High Thermal Stability

PPS can withstand continuous operating temperatures up to 220°C (428°F), making it suitable for high-heat environments.

Chemical Resistance

It is highly resistant to acids, bases, and solvents, ensuring durability in harsh chemical conditions.

Versatility icon
Mechanical Strength

PPS offers excellent dimensional stability, low creep, and high rigidity, even under stress.

Electrical Insulation icon
Electrical Insulation

PPS is inherently flame retardant, meeting strict safety standards for critical applications.

Good Dimensional Stability
Flame Retardancy

PPS is inherently flame retardant, meeting strict safety standards for critical applications.

Applications of PPS Injection Molding

PPS injection molding is widely used across industries that require reliability and precision:

Fuel system components,
engine parts
Housings for devices
Durable components
Industrial Components

PPS Injection Molding Material Properties

PPS Plastic Properties


Tensile Strength (Yield) (MPa)

55.2 - 195

Flexural Modulus(GPa)

2.50 - 5.52

Impact Resistance (Izod Impact, Notched)

0.5 ft-lbs/in

Maximum Service Temperature(℃)

200 - 240

Chemical Formula

[C 6H 4S] n + 2n NaCl

Glass Transition Temperature(℃)


Heat Deflection Temperature(℃)

110 - 135

Drying Temperature(℃)

135 – 163

Drying Time(hr)

2 – 3

Mold Temperature(℃)


Melt Temperature(℃)


Injection Pressure(MPa)

40 -70

Injection Speed( mm/sec)


Cooling Time(S)


Scrap Quantity(mm)


Back Pressure(MPa)


Clamping Force(ton/in2)


Return Speed (rpm)




PPS Injection Molding Design Guide

Wall Thickness

Recommended wall thickness: 1.5–3.0 mm.
Uniform wall thickness is critical to avoid warping, sink marks, or stress concentrations.
Avoid abrupt changes in thickness; use gradual transitions.

Ribs and Bosses

Rib thickness should be 50–60% of the adjacent wall thickness.

Bosses should have a wall thickness of 40–60% of the main wall.

Use generous fillets at the base of ribs and bosses to reduce stress concentrations.

Draft Angles

Minimum draft angle: 1–2° for smooth surfaces.

For textured surfaces, increase the draft angle by 1° per 0.025 mm of texture depth.

Radii and Corners

Use generous radii (minimum 0.5 mm) to reduce stress concentrations and improve flow.

Sharp corners should be avoided to prevent cracking and improve mold filling.

Gate Design

Gate size: Typically 0.5–1.5 mm depending on part size and wall thickness.

Gate location: Position gates to ensure uniform flow and minimize weld lines.

Common gate types: Submarine, edge, or tab gates.


PPS has low shrinkage: 0.1–0.3%.

Account for shrinkage in mold design to achieve dimensional accuracy.

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